Project CEASE
Project CEASE is an international research project established to better understand the early signs and spread of infection, with specific focus on the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). This is VYVOLabs’ first public project.
The objective of Project CEASE (or the COVID-19 Early Alert System Experiment) is to identify bio-parameters that can be used to provide early stage detection of COVID-19 and also to track the development and spread of the virus worldwide.
Project CEASE’s ongoing wellness data, which includes participant’s vital signs data, is detected using state-of-the-art bio-sensors and Life Sensing Technology™ embedded in VYVO smartwatches. This data is uploaded in near real-time using IoT to a decentralized, connected AI Cloud platform. Participants from all over the world can take part in this project by wearing any VYVO watch, but the preferred VYVO model is VYVO Watch Lite SE because it gathers data most relevant to this project, such as continuous body temperature.
In addition to the participant’s data which is gathered 24 hours a day (with a short interruption for recharging their smartwatch every 4-5 days), Project CEASE participant’s also complete a health questionnaire on their VYVO Smart App and include the result of the COVID-19 test kit, which is supplied to all Project CEASE participants. These COVID-19 rapid antibody test kits provided are manufactured by approved biotech companies that meet with local country requirements, such as those listed on the Center for Health Security of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. For more details, please click here.
VYVO Labs uses this continuous quantified-self data, together with participant’s health and infection status feedback to train the machine learning algorithm, which has been specifically designed to discover possible data patterns that indicate a probable COVID-19 presence and likely infection event.
Project CEASE will be conducted in 3 phases:
Phase 1
Data Collection Phase
VYVO Labs enrolls users that agree to participate in Project CEASE. VYVO will provide them with a COVID-19 Test Kit* and a simple protocol to follow. All participants are required to wear a WATCH Lite or subsequent VYVO smartwatch models. The Watch Lite has sensors that enable SpO2 measurement and subsequent models will have continuous real-time temperature monitoring capability.
It is expected that at least 25,000 participants from all over the world will contribute their data starting May, 2020.
Phase 2
AI Algorithm Training Phase
The second phase is where our Artificial Intelligence algorithms are trained using the large and growing volume of continuously updated wearer bio-data and their COVID-19 infection status feedback, to identify possible data patterns that indicate the presence of the infection at different stage of its progression and generate a probable COVID-19 prediction result.
Phase 3
Project CEASE Validation Phase
The final phase is where the algorithm is applied to the existing and new participants whose COVID-19 status is unknown because they have not use the rapid COVID-19 test Kit*. Their data will be uploaded using IoT and analyzed continuously using AI. If a high probability of an infection event is detected using their data, they will receive an infection Early Alert notification and they will be requested to confirm their COVID-19 infection status by using the influenza Test Kit provided.
* The rapid antibody test kits provided for Project CEASE validation are manufactured by approved biotech companies that meet with local country requirements, and international guidelines for diagnostic tests and their performance.
Project CEASE Update
Initial Update
The response to Project CEASE has been phenomenal. Participants from all over the world have been actively submitting their COVID-19 antibody test results and using their VYVO Life Watch to contribute their data to the project.
It is intended to provide updates on the project from time to time, as more data is gathered. For now, here are some initial findings based on data available as of 30th June, 2020…
Project CEASE has secured supplies of rapid COVID-19 antibody test kits from multiple approved manufacturers. For more info, please download the test kit technical document and clinical trial data.
Our Partners
We are passionate about partnerships. We recognize that partnership opens up new ideas and can often lead to more effective solutions, quicker. Consequently, VYVO Labs invites suitable partners such as professional researchers, healthcare providers, government bodies, hospitals, universities and commercial partners to apply to join Project CEASE or to contact us if you would like to partner with us in any of our other areas of interest.
VYVO Labs is in early stage collaborative discussions with a number of partners and expert centers in China, Ireland, Italy, Switzerland, UK and USA.
Our approved partners will obtain access to a secure Partner Portal where they can inspect or download the full suite or selected anonymized wearer bio-data, which, depending on the partner’s level of authorization, may include wearer historical data, real-time data and timestamped COVID-19 infection status.
Project CEASE Partner Contact Form
Papers, publications and research grant
VYVO Labs supports publication of results from Project CEASE research and together with the approval of its scientific partners and its Scientific Board, it will select findings that it will promote for peer review.
Subject to terms and conditions relating to data protection, acknowledgement of common work, recognition of effort and where the activity is consistent with the mission and vision of VYVO and its community, VYVO Labs is willing to provide travel grant funding for presenters at academic or professional conferences. In addition, VYVO Labs will also consider bursaries in the form of product discounts or research grants to support appropriate research activities.
VYVO Labs is the quantified-self research center of Vyvo Technology Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Helo Corp. It is passionate about data and open to partnership with experts within its areas of interest, to help build a better world by driving development of innovative products and services.